5 Ways to save money reduce your carbon footprint and live more sustainable.
1. Switch off lights that you’re not benefiting from.
2. Turn electrical appliances off at the power point. Standby power accounts for about 12% of the average homes energy use. If power points are not easily accessible, get hold of an electrical power board with safety switch and place the power board in line and somewhere easily accessible.
3. Turn down your heating. Keep as close to the ambient air temperature as possible, every degree over your areas average ambient air temperature adds about 10% to your heating bill.
4. Use your clothesline instead of the dryer. There is enough of the sun's radiant energy to take care of this job forever!
5. Use your washing machine and dishwasher only when full. When washing your clothes use the cold wash cycle only. Ensure your dishwasher is connected to the hot water pipeline. This means the dishwasher's built in heater element won’t have to turn on.
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